
Soil Series

Information System

Ilocos Sur
Municipality Soil Series Area (Ha)
Alilem Bauang 2,361.15
Mountain soil (undiffe 10,856.47
Banayoyo Bantog 555.32
Bauang 1,767.76
Bantay Bantay 1,588.00
Bantog 462.40
San Manuel 1,708.93
Mountain soil (undiffe 3,252.58
River wash 94.37
Burgos Bantog 192.75
Bauang 4,689.02
Mountain soil (undiffe 77.89
Cabugao Bantay 3,816.70
Bantog 2,572.70
San Manuel 135.31
Beach Sand 128.37
Mountain soil (undiffe 162.47
Candon City Bantog 2,598.87
Bauang 3,624.35
San Manuel 1,574.43
Beach Sand 142.30
Caoayan San Manuel 545.17
Beach Sand 116.94
River wash 1,177.03
Cervantes Cervantes 15,732.79
Umingan 458.21
Mountain soil (undiffe 6,815.56
Galimuyod Bantog 664.85
Bauang 2,000.94
Mountain soil (undiffe 615.51
Gregorio Del Pilar Bauang 1.41
Mountain soil (undiffe 6,396.96
Lidlidda Bantog 23.65
Bauang 3,346.69
Mountain soil (undiffe 577.27
Magsingal Bantay 1,652.15
Bantog 186.40
San Manuel 3,773.08
Beach Sand 424.65
Mountain soil (undiffe 2,079.02
Nagbukel Bantog 353.26
Bauang 3,292.63
Narvacan Bantog 5,015.99
Bauang 3,627.22
Mountain soil (undiffe 1,027.32
Quirino Cervantes 9,933.34
Mountain soil (undiffe 10,634.67
Salcedo Bantog 78.93
Bauang 4,459.27
San Manuel 93.55
Mountain soil (undiffe 2,291.69
San Emilio Bauang 459.71
Cervantes 3,299.16
Mountain soil (undiffe 8,925.11
San Esteban Bantog 605.55
Bauang 1,100.03
San Ildefonso Bantay 256.33
San Manuel 1,064.63
San Juan Bantay 2,334.82
Bantog 213.31
San Manuel 2,403.22
Mountain soil (undiffe 377.46
San Vicente San Manuel 1,216.68
Beach Sand 2.84
Santa Bauang 116.29
San Manuel 1,094.79
Umingan 839.85
Mountain soil (undiffe 2,895.64
River wash 547.35
Santa Catalina San Manuel 883.15
Beach Sand 56.35
Santa Cruz Bantog 1,477.04
Bauang 7,224.90
San Manuel 1,882.44
Mountain soil (undiffe 3.27
Santa Lucia Bantog 2,317.91
Bauang 1,362.38
San Manuel 683.97
Santa Maria Bantog 2,608.41
Bauang 2,414.19
San Manuel 322.37
Santiago Bantog 1,683.90
Bauang 4,555.72
San Manuel 252.69
Beach Sand 75.46
Santo Domingo Bantay 1,223.67
San Manuel 3,254.47
Beach Sand 46.72
Mountain soil (undiffe 511.13
Sigay Bauang 503.16
Mountain soil (undiffe 9,341.74
Sinait Bantay 5,894.14
Bantog 742.10
San Manuel 553.75
Mountain soil (undiffe 161.59
Sugpon Bauang 88.60
Mountain soil (undiffe 17,939.49
Suyo Bantog 77.31
Bauang 6,648.63
Mountain soil (undiffe 8,126.21
Tagudin Bantog 1,959.11
Bauang 2,724.91
San Manuel 140.05
Sinapangan 152.27
Beach Sand 173.56
River wash 229.85
Vigan City Bantog 53.28
San Manuel 1,925.58
Umingan 52.70
Beach Sand 73.66
River wash 286.36
Soil Series
Properties limiting crop production
Management Recommendation
Bantay Acidic; shallow soil limiting productivity of shallow-rooted crops; low K; moderate erosion Adequate fertilization; OM addition Liming; adequate fertilization; OM addition or green manuring; practice contour tillage and strip cropping Marginally suited to root crops; adequate fertilization; OM addition or green manuring; practice contour tillage and strip cropping
Bantog Poor drainage; high shrink and swell capacity upon wetting and drying producing wide cracks in the soil, hard when dry; seasonal flooding in lower areas; slow permeability; low K Practice shallow cultivation when soil moisture is at optimum; suited for irrigated and rainfed lowland rice; maintain properly the paddy dikes; adequate irrigation during dry season Construction of adequate drainage irrigation and flood control system due to seasonal flooding hazard in low areas; use of broadbeds, ridges or furrows and mulching; application of organic matter and farm manure Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation system; application of organic matter and farm manure
Bauang Hilly topography causing severe erosion that causes loss of surface soil and exposing the subsoil or substratum; low fertility; excessive run-off; slightly acidic; presence of stratified shale and sandstone near surface that slows down percolation of wate Suitable for rainfed lowland rice during dry season with adequate supplemental irrigation and contour terracing for higher elevated areas; fertilization Application of farm manure and plowing under of legumes to supply organic matter; contour tillage and strip cropping; crop rotation Application of farm manure and plowing under of legumes to supply organic matter; contour tillage and strip cropping to minimize erosion; crop rotation
Cervantes Hilly to mountainous topography; soil erosion and runoff; low fertility Not suitable for lowland rice; for upland rice production construct terrace with proper outlets or strip cropping; fertilizer application according to needs Observe erosion control measures, careful management and intensive conservation practices: practice close-growing crops with a legume in rotation, contour tillage, strip cropping, cover cropping, grassed waterways and terracing with proper outlets; fertil Observe erosion control measures, careful management and intensive conservation practices: practice close-growing crops with a legume in rotation, contour tillage, strip cropping, cover cropping, grassed waterways and terracing with proper outlets; fertilizer application according to needs; incorporation of compost and farm manure or green manuring
San Manuel Excessively wet and annual flooding for short periods and excessive drought during dry season; low OM Suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season; OM addition thru animal or green manuring Construction of adequate drainage, irrigation and flood control systems for seasonal flood hazard and high seasonal water table; use broad beds and ridges; suited for diversified crops such as corn, and vegetables during dry season with supplemental irri Establishment of adequate drainage and irrigation systems; regular addition of organic matter and animal manure to improve soil fertility
Sinapangan Loose surface causing risk of erosion (formation of big gullies and loss of surface soil exposing the subsoil); drainage obstructed by the dense subsoil; low OM; poor drainage Suited for paddy rice during wet season and with adequate irrigation during dry season; OM addition thru animal or green manuring to increase OM content and improve soil structure; construction of diversion ditches as passageway of water away from the fi Construction of adequate drainage; Use of broad beds, ridges or furrows; mulching; fertilization; construction of diversion ditches Construction of adequate drainage; Use of broad beds, ridges or furrows; mulching; fertilization; construction of diversion ditches
Umingan River flooding; gravelly subsoil layer causes drought; low OM OM addition thru animal or green manuring to increase OM content and improve soil structure; clearing of large gravels and rock Construction of adequate irrigation and flood control system; application of fertilizer and organic matter; suited for diversified crops Gravelly subsoil may cause lower yield of rootcrops