Barotac SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-12 | Strong brown 75YR 46 moist clay weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to granular structure friable sticky and plastic many very fine and fine and common medium roots many very fine inped and few fine tubular pores many fine and medium and few coarse basaltic gravels black concretions clear wavy boundary |
12-27 | Yellowish brown 10YR 58 moist clay weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure friable sticky and plastic common fine and few very fine roots few medium discontinuous horizontal tubular and many fine inped pores common spherical pebbles Fe and Mn concretions red 25YR 48 mottles diffuse smooth boundary |
27-42 | Brownish yellow 10YR 66 moist clay weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure loose to friable sticky and plastic common fine and medium and few very fine roots many very fine inped and common fine tubular pores common medium pebbles Mn concretions Fe coatings soft weathered red 25 YR 48 gravels diffuse wavy boundary |
42-59 | Brownish yellow 10YR 66 moist clay very weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure friable to loose sticky and plastic very few very fine fine and medium roots common fine discontinuous tubular and many very inped pores common medium soft weathered red 25 YR 48 gravels coarse Mn and Fe concretions diffuse wavy boundary |
59-90 | Yellowish brown 10YR 56 moist clay very weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure loose to friable sticky and slightly plastic few fine and very few medium roots many very inped and common fine vertical tubular pores many medium soft weathered red 25 YR 48 gravels Mn concretions diffuse wavy boundary |
90-below | Brownish yellow 10YR 66 moist clay very weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure loose to friable sticky and slightly plastic very few fine roots many very fine inped and common very fine tubular pores soft weathered red 25 YR 48 gravels 40 |
LAT: 11.07588888
LNG: 122.89325
