General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-12 | 10YR 32 moist strong fine subangular blocky friable to firm common medium and fine tubular pores many very fine and fine and few medium roots common medium black crystals diffuse smooth boundary |
12-25 | 10YR 33 moist strong fine subangular blocky firm many fine and medium tubular pores common very fine and fine and very few medium roots common fine distinct irregular red mottles presence of black crystals few gravels 5mm gradual wavy boundary |
25-39 | 10YR 32 moist fine moderate subangular blocky friable to firm many fine inped pores few fine and medium roots common distinct irregular mottles common gravels clear smooth boundary |
39-52 | 10YR 44 massive very firm very few very fine and fine roots andesitic gravels 5mm many weathered rock fragments gradual smooth boundary |
52-69 | 10YR 43 to 10 YR 44 compacted andesitic gravels very few very fine roots |
LAT: 11.02908333
LNG: 124.9060833
