Mandawe SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-10 | Black 5YR 251 moist clay moderate to strong fine granular loose to firm sticky slightly plastic many very fine inpedpores few fine crystals common fine and many very fine roots clear smooth boundary pH 60 |
10-29 | Very dark gray 5YR 31 moist clay moderate fine subangular blocky firm sticky plastic common fine inped pores and many fine tubular pores presence of red coatings on pedsurfaces presence of plant residues presence of very few fine crystals few very fine and fine roots gradual wavy boundary pH 52 |
29-56 | Black 5YR 251 moist clay moderate fine subangular blocky firmsticky plastic when wet presence of gray streaks many very fine inped pores and common very fine tubular pores presence of clay argillans skeletans and red coatings very few iron concretions presence of plant residues common fine roots diffused wavy boundary pH 56 |
56-85 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 34 moist clay moderate to strong medium and coarse angular blocky firm sticky plasticcommon medium and coarse distinct dark greenish gray 5GY 41 mottlesand irregular streaks common medium tubular pores presence of clay argillans common coarse slickensides presence of plant residues abrupt smooth boundary |
85-95 | Soft weathered rocks presence of plant residues |
LAT: 10.10207497
LNG: 123.2648110
