
Soil Series

Information System

Mahipon SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm Description
0-14 Light brownish gray 10 YR 62 dry and dark gray N4 wet clay loam moderate medium to coarse angular blocky structure friable very sticky and very plastic many very fine fine and medium roots many very fine inped pores and few tubular pores gradual smooth boundary
14-29 Dark gray 10 YR 41 wet clay loam weak medium to coarse subangular blocky friable very sticky and very plastic common medium to coarse sapprolytes and fine to medium Fe Mn concretion many very fine and fine inped common fine tubular pores common very fine roots few medium roots abrupt smooth boundary
29-56 Gray 10YR 51 and dark brown to brown 75 YR 44 wet sandy clay moderate medium angular blocky friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic common fine and medium coarse gravel common Fe Mn concretions many very fine and fine inped pores many very fine and fine tubular pores common very fine and fine roots abrupt irregular boundary
56 below Brown 75 YR 53 wet gray to light 75 YR 60 fine and medium coarse gravel
LAT: 15.30225
LNG: 120.9798888