General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-10 | Olive gray 5Y 42 moist sand structureless friable slightly sticky nonplastic common medium and distinct red streaks many very fine inped pores and coarse vesicular pores presence of clay bridgings many very fine roots abrupt broken boundary pH 61 |
10-19 | Dark grayish brown 25Y 42 moist and dark gray 5Y 41 dry sandy clay moderate medium subangular blocky friable slightly sticky nonplastic common distinct medium red streaks many very fine inped pores presence of argillans and red coatings presence of stones and shells common fine roots gradual wavy boundary pH 34 |
19-38 | Dark gray 25Y 41 moist sandy clay moderate coarse subangular blocky friable slightly sticky nonplastic common distinct medium dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 and black streaks many medium to coarse vesicular pores presence of argillans and black coatings many very fine roots abrupt broken boundary pH 36 |
38-50 | Gray 5Y 51 dry sand structureless friable nonsticky nonplastic when wet many distinct coarse red mottles common coarse inped pores presence of argillans and iron coatings very few fine roots diffused broken boundary pH 34 |
50-60 | Gray 5Y 51 and olive gray 5Y 52 dry sand structureless loose to friable nonsticky nonplastic many distinct coarse red mottles many coarse inped and vesicular pores presence of iron coatings many fine roots abrupt broken boundary pH30 |
60 below | Sandy clay friable nonsticky nonplastic common distinct medium red mottles many very fine inped pores presence of red coatings presence of iron ores and stones very few fine roots |
LAT: 10.9924
LNG: 117.4974
