Padapada SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-13 | Light gray 10 YR 71 dry and dark gray 10 YR 41 wet silty clay massive when dry weak fine to medium subangular blocky slightly sticky and slightly plastic presence of iron coatings many very fine and fine inped pores many fine tubular and few medium tubular pores many very fine and fine common medium roots diffuse smooth boundary |
13-39 | Gray 10YR 51 wet silty clay weak medium to coarse angular blocky and subangular blocky firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic common roundedspherical iron and manganese concretions common clay channels many very fine and fine inped common very fine tubular few medium tubular pores common very fine and fine few medium roots diffuse smooth boundary |
39-63 | Light gray to gray 10YR 61 and yellowish brown 10YR 56 wet silt loam weak to moderate fine and medium subangular blocky firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic common spherical iron and manganese concretions common clay channels many very fine inped many very fine tubular pores diffuse smooth boundary |
63-100 | Light gray to gray 10YR 61 and yellowish brown wet sandy clay loam weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to granular firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic common iron and manganese concretions and common clay channels many very fine and fine inped many very fine tubular common medium tubular pores few very fine and fine roots |
LAT: 15.66943
LNG: 120.69667
