General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-13 | 10YR 43 moist clay moderate fine subangular blocky breaking to granular friable to firm sticky and plastic common fine inped and tubular pores many fine roots clear smooth boundary |
13-51 | 75YR 54 and 5YR 56 moist clay moderate fine subangular blocky friable to firm sticky and plastic common medium tubular and common very fine and fine inped pores common fine roots gradual smooth boundary |
51-77 | 10YR 54 and 5YR 44 moist silty clay moderate medium columnar structure friable sticky and plastic many very fine and fine inped and common very fine tubular pores few very fine roots gradual smooth boundary |
77-94 | 25Y 64 with 5YR 56 moist clay strong fine subangular blocky friable sticky and plastic many very fine tubular and inped pores clear smooth boundary |
94-101 | 25Y 71 and 5YR 56 moist clay moderate very fine platy to massive very firm very sticky and plastic many very fine tubular pores weathered shale rock |
LAT: 10.49380556
LNG: 124.74275
