Kabacan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-26 | Very dark brown 10 YR 22 moist Clay Loam moderate coarse angular blocky structure firm slightly sticky slightly plasticfew fine and common medium and coarse roots many medium and fine tubular pores gradual smooth boundary |
26-58 | Dark yellowish brown 10 YR 44 moist Silty Clay fine granular and weak to moderate coarse subangular blocky structure loose plastic and sticky krotovinas present few fine and medium roots many fine and medium tubular pores diffuse smooth boundary |
58-93 | Dark yellowish brown 10 YR 34 moist Silty Clay moderate coarse subangular blocky structure loose sticky very plastickrotovinas present few fine and medium roots many medium tubular pores diffuse smooth boundary |
93-112 | Dark Yellowish brown 10 YR 44 and 10 YR moist Clay moderate coarse subangular blocky structure friable sticky and plastic very few fine and few medium to coarse roots many fine and medium tubular pores |
LAT: 7.113194444
LNG: 124.8514444
