Tagulod SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-12 | Brown to dark brown 10YR 43 wet clay loam very fine to fine subangular blocky structure sticky and plastic common medium roots any fine and common coarse inped pores clear smooth boundary |
12-36 | Grayish brown 10YR 52 wet clay moderate fine to medium subangular blocky structure sticky and plastic common fine roots very many fine inped pores few to common Mn and Fe concretions abrupt smooth boundary |
36-63 | Brown to dark brown 10YR 43 and grayish brown 10YR 52 wet massive clay very sticky and very plastic common fine roots common Fe and Mn concretions clear smooth boundary |
63-84 | Yellowish brown 10YR 54 and brown 10YR 53 wet massive clay very sticky and very plastic prominent Fe and Mn concretions clear smooth boundary |
84-120 | Yellowish brown 10YR 56 wet massive clay very prominent Fe and Mn concretions |
LAT: 16.7981
LNG: 121.731
