General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-14 | 10YR 31 moist silty clay weak fine subangular blocky friable slightly sticky and plastic irregulat common medium distinct mottles 75 YR 46 very many fine tubular pores many medium roots many slightly decomposed plant materials clear smooth boundary |
14-23 | 10YR 31 5Y 51 and 10YR 58 wet silty clay structureless firm very plastic and slightly sticky common 2 20 coarse prominent mottles red streaks presence of iron hypocoats common very fine tubular pores many medium roots very many fine quartz termite colony abrupt smooth bundary |
23-35 | 10 YR 52 and 10YR 58 wet silty clay weak medium subangular blocky firm very sticky and plastic many 20 coarse prominent mottles red streaks common very fine tubular pores many medium roots argillans and red hypocoats clear smooth boundary |
35-56 | 25Y 41 wet silty clay weak medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic many 20 coarse prominent mottles streaks many hypocoats common medium and coarse tubular pores common fine and medium roots presence of partly decomposed organic materials abrupt smooth boundary |
56-72 | 5GY 40 wet loamy sand structureless loose slightly sticky and non plastic common 2 20 prominent red streaks presence of hypocoats many coarse tubular pores few medium and common fine roots presence of partly decomposed organic materials and soft weathered materials |
LAT: 11.29408333
LNG: 125.08825
