General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-27 | Black 10YR 21 moist sandy loam weak fine granular loose to friable nonstickynonplastic many fineinped pores many gravels common medium and many very fine roots clear smooth boundary pH 68 |
27-45 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 with thin very dark grayish brown 10YR 32 layer moist friable nonstickynonplastic common medium and many fine inped pores few coarse clay argillans presence of quartz many gravels clear wavy boundary |
45-65 | Brown 10YR 53 with thin yellowish brown 10YR 54 layer moist sand structureless loose nonstickynonplastic many very fine to fine inpedpores presence of fine quartz common very fine roots clear wavy boundaryzone of illuviation |
65-110 | Grayish brown 10YR 52 moist sand structureless loose nonsticky nonplastic when wet common fine to medium inped pores presence of fine to medium quartz common fine to medium roots clear wavy boundary |
110-120 | Dark brown 10YR 33 moist loam weak fine granular friable nonsticky nonplastic common fine inped pores and many very fine tubularpores presence of fine quartz many fine to coarse roots diffused wavy boundary |
120-130 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 moist sand structureless friable nonstickynonplastic common fine tubular pores presence of fine quartz few fine roots diffused wavy boundary buried horizon |
130 below | Gray 10YR 61 moist sand structureless loose nonsticky and nonplastic presence of fine quartz |
LAT: 9.211784005
LNG: 123.2785219
