Barcelona SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-13 | Very dark grayish brown 10 YR 32 when moist clay moderate medium subangular blocky very firm sticky and plastic few reddish streaks common Fe mottles few fine tubular pores many very fine inped pores many very fine and fine roots common fine roots diffuse wavy boundary |
13-41 | Very dark gray 10YR 31 when moist clay moderate medium subangular blocky firm very sticky and very plastic presence of very dark gray 25Y 30 shiny ped faces few very fine iron concretion many very fine inped pores common fine tubular pores few very fine and fine roots gradual smooth boundary |
41-60 | Dark gray 5Y 41 when moist clay moderate medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular very plastic and very sticky presence of black 5Y 251 cutans few very fine iron concretion common very fine inped pores very few very fine roots gradual wavy boundary |
60 below | 10 YR 43 sandy clay medium to fine subangular blocky shiny ped pores very few very fine roots very fine infed pores slightly sticky sligjtly plastic few very fine iron concretions |
LAT: 17.56477778
LNG: 121.6846944
