Catubig SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-11 | 10YR 43 moist clay loam strong very fine to medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic many very fine to fine tubular pores common medium to coarse and many very fine and fine roots many fine and medium irregular distinct mottles 20 presence of hypocoats and worms diffuse smooth boundary |
11-40 | 10YR 62 and 10YR 56 moist silty clay loam strong medium subangular blocky firm when moist sticky and plastic many fine to medium tubular pores few very fine and fine roots many medium to coarse irregular prominent mottles 20 slickensides present diffuse smooth boundary |
40-58 | 10Y 61 and 10YR 56 moist silty clay loam strong fine and coarse subangular blocky firm when moist sticky and plastic many fine and medium tubular pores very few very fine and fine roots many coarse to very coarse irregular prominent gray mottles 20 presence of slickensides gradual smooth boundary |
58-104 | 5GY 61 and 10YR 56 moist strong medium to coarse subangular blocky very firm when moist sticky and slightly plastic many fine and very fine tubular pores very few very fine and fine roots many coarse to very coarse irregular prominent gray mottles 20 presence of slickensides |
LAT: 12.51027778
LNG: 125.0008889
