Moncada SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-20 | Light yellowish brown 25Y 63 dry and brown 10YR 53 moist silt loam moderate medium subangular blocky breaking to fine and medium granular firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic common common fine inped common medium many very fine and fine few coarse tubular pores many very fine roots clear smooth boundary |
20-50 | Dark brown 75YR 32 and light olive brown 25Y 53 moist clay loam weak to moderate medium subangular blocky firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic presence of cutans common fine inped common very fine and fine and few medium tubular pores common very fine roots gradual wavy boundary |
50-90 | Dark brown 75 YR 32 and strong brown 75 YR 46 moist silty clay loam weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular friable sticky and slightly plastic presence of cutans common fine inped and exped common medium few coarse and many very fine tubular pores very few very fine roots diffuse smooth boundary |
90-110 | Yellowish brown 10YR 58 and light brownish gray 10YR 62 moist silty clay weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic presence of cutans common fine inped common medium and coarse many very fine and fine tubular pores presence of cutans very few very fine roots |
LAT: 15.72619444
LNG: 120.5634722
