Umingan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-16 | Dark grayish brown 10 YR 42 moist clay loam moderate very fine subangular blocky structure firm when moist very sticky and very plastic when wet many very fine and few medium inped pores many very fine roots presence of common fine gravels many very fine Fe nodules and Fe streaks yellowish red 5 YR 46 mottles faint black mottles gray mottles and streaks clay coatings many very tjin worms gradual and smooth boundary |
16-27 | Brown to dark brown 10 YR 43 moist clay loam moderate fine subangular blocky structure firm when moist very sticky and very plastic when wet many very fine to fine pores common very fine to fine roots presence of few small gravels many fine red 25 YR 46 orange faint black and gray mottles few slickensides clear and smooth boundary |
27-70 | Dark brown 75 YR 44 moist clay moderate fine subangular blocky structure firm when moist very sticky and very plastic when wet common fine inped and vesicular pores common fine roots common red and orange mottles many black and gray mottles interfingering clay slickensides clay skins diffuse and smooth boundary |
70-99 | Strong brown 75 YR 46 dark gray 5 Y 41 and very dark gray 5 Y 31 moist silty clay moderate medium subangular blocky structure friable to firm when moist slightly sticky and plastic when wet many fine tubular and vesicular pores many black 75 YR N3 and N2 mottles saprolite slickensides clay skins diffuse and smooth boundary |
99-124 | Red 25 YR 46 dark gray 5 Y 41 and very dark gray 5 Y 31 moist silty clay moderate medium angular to subangular blocky extremely firm when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet common very fine vesicular pores very many black 75 YR N3 and N2 mottles slickensides saprolites gravels |
LAT: 15.90806
LNG: 120.88472
