Novaliches SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-12 | Dark Yellowish Brown 10YR 34 moist clay loam moderate medium subangular blocky very firm slightly sticky and plastic presence of common red mottles and few small gravels many very fine inped and few fine tubular pores many very fine and fine roots diffuse smooth boundary |
12-23 | Dark Brown 10YR 33 and Black 10YR 21 moist clay loam moderate medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic presence of partially weathered gravels many very fine inped and few very fine tubular pores common very fine roots abrupt smooth boundary |
23-49 | Grayish Brown 10YR 52 moist clay strong massive structure very firm very sticky and very plastic presence of gravels and Mn concretions few very fine inped and few very fine tubular pores very few very fine roots clear smooth boundary |
49-65 | Light Brownish Gray 10YR 62 moist clay strong massive structure very firm slightly sticky and plastic presence of partially weathered gravels few fine inped pores clear wavy boundary |
65 below | Yellowish Brown 10YR 54 moist silty clay massive structure firm slightly sticky and slightly plastic few fine inped pores |
LAT: 15.44683333
LNG: 121.0414444
