Sapian (upland) SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-15 | Brown to dark brown 10 YR 43 moist clay loam weak granular structure very friable when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet many very fine to coarse roots many medium pores filled with coarse material clear and smooth boundary |
15-30 | Brown to dark brown 10 YR 43 moist clay loam weak medium subangular blocky friable when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet many very fine to fine roots many coarse pores filled with coarse materials and void between rock fragments many red and black gravelspebbles diffuse and smooth boundary |
30-46 | Brown to dark brown 10 YR 43 moist silty clay gritty weak medium subangular blocky friable when moist sticky and plastic when wet many fine and few coarse roots many coarse pores void between rock fragments few black gravels diffuse and smooth boundary |
46-62 | Pale olive 5 Y 63 moist silty clay moderate angular blocky structure firm when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet few fine and common medium roots many coarse pores void between rock fragments many reddish brown gravels soft weathered rocks clear and smooth boundary |
62-86 | Pale olive 5 Y 63 moist clay loam gritty strong coarse angular blocky structure firm when moist slightly sticky when wet few fine to coarse roots few coarse pores diffuse and smooth boundary |
86-100 | Light olive gray 5 Y 62 moist clay loam weak moderate to coarse angular blocky structure friable when moist slightly sticky when wet very few coarse roots |
LAT: 11.50569444
LNG: 122.6820277
