Palompon SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-7 | 10YR 33 moist clay strong fine subangular blocky friable moist very hard dry sticky and plastic common medium tubular and common fine inped pores many very fine and fine and few medium roots clear irregular boundary |
7-30 | 5YR 46 moist clay strong medium subangular blocky firm very sticky and plastic many very fine inped and common fine tubular pores common coarse and few very fine roots many medium faint red mottles many very fine crystals diffuse wavy boundary |
30-53 | 5YR 46 and few 25Y 64 moist clay strong medium subangular blocky friable to firm sticky and plastic common very fine inped pores few very fine and fine and very few coarse roots many medium distinct mottles very few coal common fine crystals and termites diffuse smooth boundary |
53-88 | 75YR 58 with 25Y 64 moist sandy clay strong fine to medium subangular blocky friable to firm sticky and plastic common very fine tubular and inped pores very few very fine roots common medium faint red mottles common fine coal and common very fine crystals diffuse smooth boundary |
88-114 | 75YR 56 to 25Y 64 moist sandy clay loam moderate medium subangular blocky friable to firm sticky and slightly plastic many very fine and fine tubular pores very few very fine roots common medium distinct red mottles common medium 1 2 mm coal common soft weathered rocks and common very fine crystals |
LAT: 11.06211111
LNG: 124.4153889
