Isabela SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-20 | Very dark gray 10 YR 31 moist Clay pipi moderate very fine subangular blocky structure firm very sticky and very plastic many very fine and fine and common medium roots many fine inped many medium and common coarse tubular pores abrupt smooth boundary |
20-57 | Gray 5 Y 51 wet clay moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure very sticky and very plastic many very fine and fine and few medium roots few fine inped and many medium tubular pores gleying 5 BG 51 gradual smooth boundary |
57-84 | Light gray to gray 5 Y 61 wet silty clay moderate fine and medium subangular blocky structure sticky and plastic very few medium and few fine roots common fine inped pores gleying 5 BG 51 clear smooth boundary |
84-99 | Light olive brown 25 Y 54 silty clay loam fine granular and weak fine subangular blocky structure friable slightly sticky and non plastic very few fine and medium roots many fine inped pores gleying 5BG 41 presence of pebbles and nodules coated with brown and orange |
LAT: 10.28005555
LNG: 122.96275
