Catbalogan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-10 | 10YR 43 moist sandy clay loam strong medium subangular blocky breaking to granular firm sticky and plastic few coarse and common medium tubular pores many fine and medium and common coarse roots common medium faint irregular gray and red mottles 2 20 slickensides present common soft weathered rocks few common very fine crystals presence of black ants worms and termites clear wavy boundary |
10-22 | 10YR 53 moist clay loam strong medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic common coarse and many very fine tubular pores common fine to medium roots common fine to medium distinct red round and irregular shape mottles 2 20 medium size slickensides present common soft weathered rocks many very fine crystals presence of black ants worms and termites gradual smooth boundary |
22-52 | 25YR 53 moist clay loam strong fine subangular blocky firm when moist sticky and plastic common medium tubular and many fine inped pores common fine to coarse roots common coarse distinct red irregular mottles 2 20 small faint slickensides few very fine red concretions presence of termite holes worm holes soft weathered rock fragments |
52-106 | consolidated shale and sandstone few coarse tubular pores few medium and very few fine roots |
LAT: 11.78086111
LNG: 124.9625277
