Aborlan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-28 | Gray 10YR 51 and strong brown 75 YR 46 moist silty clay loam weak fine and medium angular blocky breaking to fine granular loose to friable sticky and slightly plastic common fine inped many very fine and fine few medium tubular pores few fine roots |
28-50 | Reddish yellow 75YR 68 dry Reddish yellow 75YR 68 and Light yellowish brown 10YR 64 moist clay massive to strong medium sub angular blocky sticky and plastic firm presence of common black clay movement termites bore common very fine tubular pores common fine and very few very fine roots gradual smooth boundary |
50-below | Strong brown 75YR 58 dry Yellowish red 5YR 58 and Reddish yellow 75YR 68 moist clay massive to strong coarse to very coarse sub angular blocky very sticky and very plastic firm many termites bore few very fine tubular pores common very fine to fine and few coarse roots |
LAT: 9.501540
LNG: 118.581140
