General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-6 | Dark yellowish brown 10 YR 42 moist Clay loam weak to moderate medium and coarse subangular blocky structure firm slightly sticky and moderately plastic many fine and common medium roots many fine inped pores clear smooth boundary |
6-23 | Dark yellowish brown 10 YR 46 moist clay strong coearse angular blocky structure firm moderately sticky and very plastic many fine and few medium roots common fine inped and tubular and few medium tubular pores gradual smooth boundary |
23-49 | Strong brown 75 YR 46 moist Silty clay moderate medium subangular blocky breaking to medium and coarse granular structure firm moderately sticky and very plastic common fine and very few medium roots common fine and few medium tubular pores clear wavy boundary |
49-81 | Light brownish gray 25 Y 62 moist clay massive firm to very firm slightly sticky and very plastic Gleyed horizon 55 BG abrupt smooth boundary |
81-89 | Light olive brown 25 Y 54 moist massive sandstone loose non sticky and non plastic clear smooth boundary |
89-105 | Brownish gray 25 Y 62 but Gleying 55 BG is more dominant silty clay massive very few fine roots |
LAT: 7.265611111
LNG: 124.3761944
