General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-22 | Gray 10YR 51 when dry and very dark gray 10YR 31 when moist sandy clay loam weak fine and medium subagular blocky breaking to fine granular friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic many spherical gravels and partially weathered gravels 0 1cm common distinct threadlike and cloudlike iron and spherical manganese concretions many fine inped pored common very fine and fine few medium tubular pores many very fine and fine common medium roots clear smooth boundary |
22-43 | Dark gray 5Y 41 moist sandy clay loam weak medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic many quarts common spherical gravels 3mm few gravels 12cm many threadlike iron mottles few spherica |
43-64 | Dark gray 5Y 41 moist sandy clay loam weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular many soft and hard spherical 8mm manganese mottles few spherical iron mottles common soft and hard gravels 0 13cm common fine inped common very fine and fine tubular pores common very fine and fine roots clear smooth boundary |
64-below | Olive gray 5Y 42 and dark gray 5Y 41 moist loamy sand weak very fine and fine subangular blocky structureless when dry non sticky and non plastic many gravels 0 3cm common fine inped pores common very fine and fine tubular pores common very fine and fine roots |
LAT: 15.218
LNG: 120.6919166
