Angeles SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-16 | Grayish brown 25Y 52 moist fine to medium sand structure less common fine and medium inped common medium and fine tubular pores common very fine and fine few medium roots clear smooth boundary |
16-29 | Grayish brown 25Y 52 moist fine sand weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular loose non sticky and non plastic common very fine and fine tubular pores common very fine and fine roots clear smooth boundary |
29-50 | Medium to coarse sand structure less few medium to coarse gravels common fine and medium inped pores common very fine and fine roots abrupt smooth boundary |
50-104 | Many mixture of fine medium and coarse gravels soft slightly weathered rocks structure less few very fine and fine roots clear smooth boundary |
104-below | Many fine and medium gravels structure less few very fine and fine roots |
LAT: 15.11577777
LNG: 120.5923333
