General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-13 | Dark brown 75YR 33 wet clay fine granular and medium subangular blocky structure firm sticky and plastic common fine roots many fine and inped pores clear smooth boundary |
13-24 | Dark brown 75YR 32 wet clay moderate fine to medium subangular blocky structure common Fe red concretions many very fine roots many fine inped and common tubular pores abrupt smooth boundary |
24-42 | Dark grayish brown to 10YR 42 wet clay fine granular and medium subangular structure Fe mottles present many very fine to fine roots many inped pores abrupt smooth boundary |
42-69 | Brown 75YR 52 wet sandy clay loam loose few fine roots many fine inped pores many Fe and Mn concretions Minuri clear smooth boundary |
69-110 | Grayish brown 10YR 52 wet massive clay very sticky and very plastic Fe mottles |
LAT: 16.68872222
LNG: 121.5950833
