General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-13 | Black 5Y 251 moist sandy clay loam fine to medium subangular blocky breaking to granular structure friable to firm many fine to medium roots many fine inped pores quartz present smooth clear boundary pH 55 |
13-58 | Olive 25Y 43 and yellowish brown 10YR 54 moist sandy clay weak moderate subangular blocky and fine to medium prismatic structure firm common fine roots many fine inped pores abrupt smooth boundary pH 60 |
58-91 | Brownish yellow 10YR 68 and light olive brown 25Y 56 moist sandy clay firm compacted horizon presence of easily weathered white sandstone 10YR 71 light gray yellowish brown stone 10YR 58 clear smooth boundary |
91 below | Light yellowish brown 25Y 64 moist weak sandy material loose many fine inped pores quartz sand present |
LAT: 17.20308055
LNG: 121.6753713
