Zaragosa SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-28 | Gray 5Y 51 dry and black 5Y 251 clay massive when dry medium and coarse subangular blocky fine and medium granular very sticky and very plastic few fine red 25YR 58 iron and black 5Y 251 manganese concretions common fine inped and exped few very fine tubular pores many very fine and fine roots abrupt wavy boundary |
28-61 | Olive gray 5Y 42 moist clay moderate fine and medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic common fine spherical black manganese concretions many fine inped and exped common very fine tubular pores common very fine and fine roots clear smooth boundary |
61-84 | Olive gray 5Y 52 moist clay moderate fine and medium subangular blocky friable sticky and plastic presence of slickensides many fine inped and exped pores common very fine tubular pores common very fine roots clear irregular boundary |
84-112 | Light olive gray 5Y 62 moist clay moderate fine and medium subangular blocky and medium angular blocky friable sticky and plastic common fine inped and exped common very fine tubular pores few very fine roots |
LAT: 15.44508333
LNG: 120.7410833
