General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-23 | 10YR 43 moist sandy clay loam strong fine subangular blocky friable sticky and plastic many fine and medium tubular pores many very fine roots many fine prominent red mottles medium argillans many fine red sediments medium black concretions fine crystals present abrupt wavy boundary |
23-41 | 25Y 43 moist sandy loam fine granular friable slightly sticky and non plastic many medium distinct red mottles many very fine and inped pores common fine few very fine and very few coarse roots many fine crystals clear smooth boundary |
41-65 | 25 Y 43 moist sandy loam structureless single grain friable non sticky and non plastic many very fine and fine inped pores common very fine and fine roots common medium distinct mottles medium red sediments and fine crystals diffuse smooth boundary |
65-105 | 25Y 43 moist sandy loam structureless single grain very friable non sticky and non plastic many fine inped pores few very fine and very few fine roots common fine distinct mottles fine red sediments and fine crystals clear smooth boundary |
105-114 | 25Y 52 moist sand structureless single grain loose non sticky and non plastic many fine inped pores very few fine roots few fine distinct mottles fine red sediments and fine crystals |
LAT: 11.16252778
LNG: 124.9791111
