General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-25 | Dark brown 10 YR 33 moist clay loam many red Fe mottles and red Fe concretions granular structure slightly firm when moist many very fine to coarse roots many very fine to fine pores clay skins diffuse and smooth boundary |
25-62 | Dark brown 10 YR 33 moist clay loam common red Fe mottles and many red Fe concretions angular blocky structure friable to firm when moist many fine roots many fine to medium pores many grayish brown 25 Y 52 clay skins diffuse and smooth boundary |
62-90 | Dark brown 10 YR 33 and gray 25 Y N5 moist clay loam many red Fe mottles and red Fe concretions angular blocky structure common fine and few coarse roots many medium pores many grayish brown 25 Y 52 clay skins diffuse and smooth boundary |
90-120 | Yellowish brown 10 YR 58 and 54 moist clay many red Fe mottles angular blocky structure firm when moist common fine roots many very fine pores many gray 25 Y N5 clay skins distinct and smooth boundary |
120 below | Water table |
LAT: 11.689425
LNG: 122.287489
