Manapla SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-28 | Dark brown 75 YR 32 moist sandy clay loam very fine granular structure loose slightly sticky slightly plastic few fine roots many very fine and fine inped and common medium and coarse tubular pores gravels are commonly present and shiny materials probably quartz are predominantly present abrupt smooth boundary |
28-38 | Pale olive 5 Y 63 wet sandy clay very fine granular structure loose non sticky and non plastic few fine roots many very fine and fine inped and common medium tubular pores accumulation of silted sand brown pebbles and quartz are present abrupt smooth boundary |
38-72 | Light olive gray 5 Y 62 wet silty clay weak very fine subangular blocky and moderate coarse prismatic structure firm sticky and plastic very few fine roots few fine inter aggregate pores smaller quarts and reddish yellow 75 YR 78soft rocks are present gradual smooth boundary |
72-93 | Light gray 5 Y 72 wet sandy clay weak very fine subangular blocky structure loose non sticky and non plastic many very fine inped pores pebbles and strong brown 75 YR 56 soft weathered rocks are present clear smooth boundary |
93-104 | Light gray 5Y 72 wet massive clay firm sticky and plastic rust taya is present |
LAT: 10.85486111
LNG: 123.4828888
