Magcalon SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-10 | Dark brown 75 YR 33 moist silty loam granular structure friable when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet many fine to medium roots many very fine to fine pores diffuse and smooth boundary |
10-23 | Dark brown 75 YR 33 moist silty loam granular structure friable when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet many fine to medium roots many very fine to fine pores gray streaks and red Fe nodules clear and smooth boundary |
23-47 | Very dark brown 10 YR 22 moist silty loam granular structure friable when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet many fine roots many medium pores few gravels clear and smooth boundary |
47-70 | Very dark brown 10 YR 22 and strong brown 75 YR 46 moist silty clay loam weak subangular blocky structure slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet common fine roots many medium pores diffuse and smooth boundary |
70-86 | Very dark gray 10 YR 31 wet silty clay loam granular to subangular blocky structure friable when moist slightly sticky and slightly plastic when wet common fine roots many medium pores with green soft weathered rocks gradual and smooth boundary |
86-100 | Very dark gray 10 YR 31 moist sand friable when moist common fine roots many fine pores with pebbles and cobblestones |
LAT: 10.780982
LNG: 121.948205
