San Fabian SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-10 | Pale brown 10YR 63 dry silt loam granular slightly sticky and plastic many fine inped many very fine fine and medium roots common medium few coarse roots clear smooth boundary |
10-29 | Brown 10YR 53 moist silty clay gravelly strong subangular blocky sticky and slightly plastic many tubular pores common very fine and fine roots clear smooth boundary |
29-49 | Brown to dark brown 75 YR 43 moist clay massive sticky and none plastic many coarse tubular pores few fine roots diffuse smooth boundary |
49-84 | Dark reddish brown 5YR 33 moist clay massive slightly sticky and slightly plastic presence of gravels many fine medium coarse tubular pores very fine and fine roots clear smooth boundary |
84 below | Dark reddish brown 5 YR 33 moist clay massive slightly sticky and slightly plastic presence of soft weathered materials many fine medium and coarse tubular pores very few fine roots |
LAT: 15.90165111
LNG: 120.8969516
