Guimaras SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-5 | Dark grayish brown 10YR 42 moist sandy clay loam weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure loose to friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic many coarse common medium and very few very fine and fine roots many fine inped and common very fine tubular pores abrupt wavy boundary |
5-33 | Strong brown 75YR 56 moist silty clay loam weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic common very fine and fine roots many fine inped common fine tubular pores soft hard spherical fine gravels earthworm holes gradual wavy boundary |
33-63 | Strong brown 75YR 56 moist clay weak fine and medium angular and subangular blocky structure friable sticky and plastic very few medium and few very fine and fine roots common fine inped and few very fine tubular pores many fine and medium hard dioritic black white yellowish gravels clear wavy boundary |
63-92 | Strong brown 75YR 56 moist clay loam very weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure friable sticky and plastic very few very fine and fine roots common fine inped and few very fine tubular pores common fine and medium soft dioritic black is dominant white yellowish gravels gradual wavy boundary |
92-122 | Strong brown 75YR 46 moist clay loam weak fine and medium subangular blocky structure friable sticky and plastic very few very fine roots common fine inped and few fine tubular pores many black and white soft weathered dioritic gravels clear smooth boundary |
122-140 | Strong brown 75YR 46 moist sandy clay loam very weak fine and medium subangular blocky breaking to fine granular structure loose to friable slightly sticky and slightly plastic very few very fine and fine roots many fine inped and common fine tubular pores many soft weathered dioritic gravels |
LAT: 11.28794444
LNG: 123.0137777
