General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-15 | Very dark greenish gray 5GY 31 wet silty clay fine granular friable sticky slightly plastic many distinctfine and medium iron mottlesstreaks very many fine inped pores and many fine tubular pores presenceof iron coating on ped surfaces many fine to coarse roots pH 60 |
15-28 | Very dark gray N 3 wet silty clay moderate fine granular firm sticky plastic common coarse faint irregular red mottlesstreaks on ped surfaces many fine tubular pores common tubular iron and dendritic iron mottles and nodules presence of few gravels and stones common fine and many very fine roots pH 65 |
28-43 | Black N 25 wet clay moderate coarse angular blocky friable to firm sticky plastic when wet common fine faint red and olive gray 5Y 52 mottles common fine tubular pores presence of few gravels and stones common very fine roots pH 64 |
43-58 | Black N 25 wet clay moderate medium angular blocky friable to firm sticky plastic presence of olive gray 5Y 52 mottlesstreaks presence of clay skins and medium faint slickensides many very fine roots pH 60 |
58 below | Black N 25 wet clay medium and coarse columnar and angular blocky presence of olive gray 5Y 52 mottlesstreaks |
LAT: 9.09456
LNG: 123.16905
