Maranlig SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-11 | Dark brown 10YR 33 moist fine sandy loam non sticky and non plastic loose presence of many stones 5cm many very fine and common fine roots gradual smooth boundary |
11-22 | Very dark brown 10YR 22 moist fine sandy loam non sticky and non plastic loose presence of many stones 5cm many very fine roots diffuse smooth boundary |
22-48 | Dark brown 10YR 33 moist single grain non sticky and non plastic loose presence of stones 5cm common very fine roots clear smooth boundary |
48-70 | Very dark grayish brown 25Y 32 moist single grain non sticky and non plastic loose presence of stones and gravels clear smooth boundary |
70-78 | Olive brown 25Y 43 moist single grain non sticky and non plastic loose presence of stones and gravels |
LAT: 12.7946
LNG: 120.832
