Babuyan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-9 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 moist sandy loam weak fine angular blocky to granular to single grain non sticky and non plastic friable few Mn concretions and Fe mottles common very fine tubular pores few fine and very few medium roots clear smooth boundary |
9-25 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 moist sandy loam weak fine sub angular to granular structure non sticky and non plastic friable few mottles few very fine to fine tubular pores very few medium and very few fine roots gradual smooth boundary |
25-65 | Brownish yellow 10YR 66 moist sandy loam moderate fine sub angular to granular non sticky and slightly plastic friable common Fe mottles few very fine tubular pores common medium and very few coarse roots clear wavy boundary |
65-125 | Light yellowish brown 10YR 64 moist sandy loam moderate fine sub angular to granular non sticky and slightly plastic friable many mottles and common gravels few soft weathered white rocks of different sizes slightly compact very few fine and medium tubular pores very few to few fine to medium and very few coarse roots |
LAT: 9.822200
LNG: 118.739730
