Himayangan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-20 | 10YR 44 moist clay loam strong fine to medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic common fine and few medium tubular pores many medium and common fine roots common fine faint mottles 2 20 few fine crystals termite colony few stones 1 2 mm gradual smooth boundary |
20-30 | 10YR 54 moist clay loam strong fine and medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic many fine common coarse and very many very fine tubular pores common fine and few very fine roots gravels and soft weathered rocks termite colony clear smooth boundary |
30-52 | 10YR 54 moist clay loam strong medium subangular blocky friable to firm when moist sticky and plastic common soft weathered rocks sandstone common fine tubular pores few medium and very few very fine roots clear smooth boundary |
52-110 | massive and compacted bedrock consolidated shale and sandstone common medium roots |
LAT: 11.41216667
LNG: 124.9265556
