Malimba SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-14 | Yellowish red 5YR 46 wet clay massive sticky and plastic many yellowish red 5 YR 58 concretions greenish gray GY 51 gleying many very fine inped few fine tubular pores many very fine and fine common medium and few coarse roots abrupt wavy boundary |
14-24 | Yellowish red 5YR 46 wet clay massive breaking to strong medium subangular blocky very sticky and very plastic common yellowish red 5YR 58 manganese concretions dark greenish gray gleying 5GY41 many very fine and fine inped common very fine and fine tubular pores common very fine and fine roots gradual and diffuse smooth boundary |
24-42 | Dark greenish gray 5GY 41 wet clay weak fine and medium subangular blocky very sticky and very plastic common strong brown 75 YR 46 concretions many very fine and fine inped common very fine roots gradual to diffuse smooth boundary |
42 below | Dark greenish gray 5G 41 wet clay weak medium prismatic breaking to fine subangular blocky very sticky and plastic common manganese concretions many very fine and fine inped pores few fine tubular pores few very fine and fine roots |
LAT: 15.22444444
LNG: 120.8602777
