Victorias SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-5 | Dark brown 75 YR 32 moist sandy loam fine granular structure many very fine and fine and common medium and coarse roots many fine inped and few medium tubular pores abrupt smooth boundary |
5-27 | Brown to dark brown 75 YR 42 and yellowish brown 10 YR 54 moist sandy clay compacted fine to medium granular structure many very fine and fine and few medium roots many fine inter aggregate and common medium tubular pores spherical concretions and pebbles are present clear smooth boundary |
27-76 | Yellowish brown 10 YR 54 and 10 YR 56 moist silty clay fine to medium granular structure common fine roots many fine inped and common medium tubular pores soft weathered black pebbles are present diffuse smooth boundary |
76-100 | Dark yellowish brown 10 YR 46 and light brownish gray 10 YR 62moist silty clay fine granular and weak fine subangular blocky structure few fine roots many fine inped pores soft weathered rocks present |
LAT: 10.925
LNG: 123.1086666
