General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-16 | Very dark gray 25Y 20 moist clay moderate medium subangular blocky firm moist very sticky and very plastic wet presence of many red 25YR 48 mottles many fine inped pores many fine roots diffused smooth boundary |
16-34 | Black 25Y 20 moist clay moderate medium subangular nblocky firm moist very sticky and very plastic many fine inped pores many very fine roots clear wavy boundary |
34-47 | Olive gray 5Y 42 and olive yellow 25Y 66 moist clay weak medium subangular blocky firm moist very sticky and very plastic wet many fine inped pores many very fine roots diffused wavy boundary |
47-63 | Light olive gray 5Y 61 and olive yellow 25Y 66 moist clay weak fine angular and subangular blocky firm moist very sticky and very plastic wet common 30 strong brown 75YR 58 Fe mottles and few dark greenish gray 5G 41 mottles many fine inped pores few very fine roots diffused wavy boundary |
63-80 | Gray 5Y 51 moist clay weak fine and medium angular and subangular blocky firm moist very sticky and very plastic wet common 40 strong brown 75YR 58 Fe mottles and few dark greenish gray 5G 41 mottles many fine inped pores very few very fine roots |
LAT: 16.18383333
LNG: 119.8750277
