General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-28 | Black 25YR 250 moist sandy clay loam weak fine granular structure friable many fine to medium roots many fine inped apores shiny materials probably quartz present abrupt smooth boundary |
28-43 | Dusky red 25YR 32 moist sand very loose many fine and very few coarse roots quartz present abrupt smooth boundary |
43-73 | Very dark gray 5YR 31 Light brownish gray 25 Y 62 and yellowish brown 10YR 56 moist sandy clay massive firm few fine roots gleyed horizon with fingering illuviation of clay gradual smooth boundary |
73-below | Olive 5 Y 53 and yellowish red 5YR 56 moist sandy clay massive loose very few fine roots |
LAT: 16.82698722
LNG: 121.7797388
