General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-20 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 moist clay moderate fine granular and strong medium subangular blocky friable to firm sticky plastic common faint and fine irregular mottles many very fine inped pores and many coarse tubular pores presence of iron coatings few coarse andmany very fine and fine rootsclear smooth boundary pH 57 |
20-30 | Light olive brown 25Y 54 moist clay moderate and strong medium angular and subangular blocky firm sticky slightly plastic many very fine inped pores and common fine tubular pores presence of strong brown 75YR 56 nodules presence of coatings many very fine roots clear smooth boundary pH 57 |
30-50 | Yellowish brown 10YR 54 moist clay moderate medium and coarse angular and subangular blocky firm sticky slightly plasticpresence of distinct fine red mottles many very fine inped and tubular pores presence of iron and manganese nodules presence of very few fine crystals many very fine and common fine roots clear smooth boundary pH 50 |
50-110 | Light yellowish brown 25Y 64 moist clay weak fine to coarse angular blocky friable slightly sticky plastic few orange mottles many very fine inped and tubular pores presence of coatings on ped surfaces presence of faint slickensides presence of soft weathered rocks and few gravels common very fine roots abrupt smooth boundary pH 46 |
110 below | Clay many shale fragments |
LAT: 10.26971496
LNG: 123.2183649
