General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-18 | Very dark brown 10YR 22 moist sandy clay loam moderate and strong fine granular very firmslightly sticky slightly plastic common distinct medium dark yellowish brown 10YR 34 mottles and irregular streaks many very fine and fine inped pores presence of gray coatings presence of black nodules common fine roots gradual wavy boundary pH 62 |
18-38 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 44 moist fine sand moderate fine granular friable to firm nonsticky slightly plastic commondistinct coarse very dark greenish gray 10GY 31 and strong brown 75YR 46 mottles few coarse tubular pores presence of black coatings on ped surfaces presence of very fine black nodules few fine roots gradual smooth boundary pH 51 |
38-56 | Very dark brown 10YR 22 moist sandy clay loam strong fine granular firm slightly sticky plastic common distinct coarse very dark greenish gray 10GY 31 few coarse tubular pores presence of clay argillans and skeletans on ped and root surfaces presence of medium slickensides many black nodules very few very fine medium and coarse roots diffused smooth boundary pH 61 |
56-100 | Dark brown 10YR 33 moist sandy clay loam strong fine granular firm slightly sticky slightly plastic common faint coarse irregular red mottles common medium tubular pores common coarse argillans presence of clay coatings common manganese nodules common fine and coarse roots gradual smooth boundary |
100-130 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 34 moist fine sandstructureless friable slightly sticky slightly plastic when wet many faint extremely coarse irregular red mottles common fine tubular pores presence of clay argillans and coatings presence of black gravels and white materials many fine crystals |
LAT: 9.347258023
LNG: 122.8498489
