Maydolong SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-16 | 25Y 31 moist silty clay moderate medium subangular blocky firm sticky and plastic common fine distinct round mottles many very fine tubular pores common coarse many fine and medium roots clear smooth boundary |
16-30 | 10YR 54 moist silty clay weak fine subangular blocky firm sticky and very plastic common vesicular red 75YR 44 and gray 25Y 41 mottles clear wavy boundary |
30-45 | 10 YR 68 and 5GY 510 wet coralline limestone rock with few clay that is very sticky and very plastic with orange round and irregular distinct orange mottles common fine tubular pores few very fine and fine roots |
LAT: 11.12505556
LNG: 125.3423056
