Tagkawayan SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-12 | Brown 10YR 43 moist weak fine granular breaking into medium subangular blocky friable many fine and very fine inped pores many very fine and few medium roots gradual smooth boundary |
12-26 | Light Yellowish Brown 25Y 64 moist weak fine subangular blocky breaking into single grain very friable presence of fine siliceous materials and quartz very few very fine tubular pores few medium and few very fine roots diffuse smooth boundary |
26-50 | Yellow 25Y 76 moist weak fine subangular blocky breaking to single grain very friable presence of common siliceous rock fragments and quartz common fine inped pores few fine and very few medium roots gradual wavy boundary |
50 below | Brownish Yellow 10YR 68 and red 25YR 58 moist strong fine subangular blocky firm presence of siliceous materials like weathered rock fragments and gravels common fine inped pores very few medium roots |
LAT: 13.97172
LNG: 122.52983
