General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-27 | Dark brown 10YR 33 moist single grain very fine weak sub angular blocky friable common very fine and few fine roots presence of gravels and soft andesitic material diffuse smooth boundary |
27-59 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 36 moist very fine weak granular friable very few very fine to fine roots presence of gravels and soft andesitic material diffuse smooth boundary |
59-81 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 36 moist very fine weak granular very friable few very fine roots presence of gravels and soft andesitic material diffuse smooth boundary |
81-135 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 36 moist very fine weak granular very friable few very fine roots presence of gravels and soft andesitic material diffuse smooth boundary |
LAT: 12.80394444
LNG: 120.7884444
