Zamboangita SERIES
General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-15 | Very dark brown 10YR 22 moist clay weak fine and medium granular and subangular blocky friable sticky plastic many fine inped and tubular pores very few black concretions common fine crystals common red gravels and rocks embedded common medium and many very fine and fine roots clear wavy boundary pH 58 |
15-40 | Very dark grayish brown 10YR 32 moist clay moderate coarse angular blocky friable to firm sticky plastic common distinct coarse dark greenish gray 10GY 41 mottles many very fine inped pores and fine tubular pores presence of organoclay argillans on root surfaces presence of columnar slickensides presence of redorange nodules common fine crystals presence of soft weathered rocks common fine and many very fine roots gradual broken boundary pH 50 |
40-70 | Very dark gray 75YR 31 moist clay structureless very firm to compact very sticky very plastic when wet many distinct dark greenish gray 5GY 41 and dark yellowish brown 10YR 46 mottles common coarse tubular pores presence of organoclay argillans and slickensides many fine crystalsquartz many soft weather rocks common very fine roots diffused wavy boundary pH 62 |
70-90 | Very dark gray 75YR 31 moist clay many distinct dark greenish gray 10GY 41 and dark yellowish brown 10YR 46 mottles many soft weather granitic rocks |
LAT: 9.105902966
LNG: 123.1468540
