General Profile Description
Depth cm | Description |
0-10 | Dark yellowish brown 10YR 46 moist clay loam moderate medium sub angular blocky sticky and slightly plastic friable common mottles and red streaks along the root passage presence of many quartz many coarse and fine tubular few medium roots clear wavy boundary |
10-23 | Yellowish brown 10YR 56 moist clay loam moderate medium sub angular blocky slightly sticky and plastic friable presence of black ants burrow and many quartz common tubular pores common very fine to fine and few medium roots clear smooth boundary |
23-38 | Yellowish brown 10YR 54 moist clay loam moderate medium sub angular blocky slightly sticky and plastic friable presence of quartz few fine inped pores few medium and common fine roots diffuse smooth boundary |
38-91 | Strong brown 75YR 56 moist moderate medium sub angular blocky slightly sticky and plastic friable common medium tubular pores few fine and medium roots |
LAT: 16.21188889
LNG: 119.8551944
