Bago Series
Soil Fertility | Moderate to high |
Soil pH | Slightly acid to neutral (6.0 |
Organic Matter | Moderate |
Phosphorus (P) | High |
Potassium (K) | Low |
Nutrient Retention | Moderate |
Base Saturation | High |
Salinity Hazard | None |
Physical Soil Quality | |
Relief | Flat to rolling |
Water Retention | Moderate to high |
Drainage | Poor |
Permeability | Very slow |
Workability/Tilth | Hard |
Stoniness | None |
Rooting Depth | Deep (>1 m) |
Flooding | Seasonal |
Erosion | None |
Surface Soil Type: fine Sandy loam/Loam/Sandy clay loam
Family name: Fine, isohyperthermic, Vertic Argiudolls
Soils developed from older alluvial deposits It has fine textured soil with less than 65 clay It is a dark colored soil with high organic matter content and high base status oll Mollisol and exhibits accumulation of clay in the subsoil Argi Argillic found in areas with well distributed rainfall ud Udic Surface cracking greater than 5 mm wide is observed vertic It has a mean annual soil temperature higher than 22C isohyperthermic